Food 4 the Soul: Beggar's Blessing



        Today's post was inspired by a meal consisting of braised beef and Asian noodles, served with sautéed tomato and celery. This meal surprised me by not only being quick to prepare, but offered a satisfying eating experience, it gave me more than what I expected of it. It reminded me of the account in Acts 3 where the lame man was healed. In this account, a man who was lame from birth lay at the entrance to the Temple to beg for financial help. Peter and John, seeing this man, offered him more than what he expected.

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. (Acts 3:6)

        The man received more than what he expected and asked for. He received healing for his condition, which had the potential to be an answer to his original request to the apostles. This holds a great truth for Christians today. Oftentimes, when we come to Christ, we put limits on His willingness and power to heal, bless, and deliver us in the midst of trying situations. If the beggar could receive more than what he asked for, we can trust that God can and will bless us beyond our expectations because of His love for us.

        We oftentimes feel that God not giving us what we ask for (specifically) means that we have to settle for whatever He does, but sometimes God not giving us what we ask for (specifically) will result in Him doing above and beyond our initial request. We cannot always discern the will of God for our lives when we pray. However, our human limitations in understanding the will of God should never deter us from expecting God to do the impossible in our lives. He is willing and able to do more than what we ask or think because He told us to ask in faith and do not waiver.
