Food 4 the Soul: Orange Blossom


    Our present post was inspired by an orange cake covered in cream cheese frosting, garnished with orange zest and fresh orange slices. It was not until after I tasted this cake that inspiration hit me for a biblical post. I did not expect much from this cake and wasn't enthused about it; however, it offered me more than I was looking for. Immediately I thought about Christ. During His earthly existence, there was not much expected of Him due to His nativity and even the state of His people Israel. Yet, from Him salvation came to the entire world. He gave us more than what was expected.

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. (Isaiah 53:2)

        In addition to this, I also thought about how Christianity sometimes is accused of being antiquated and irrelevant. People have a misconception that to come to Christ and become members of the Christian church will not offer much of anything, but a false hope and bondage to rules and regulations. However, both of these assertions are false. Because people have perverted the message and misrepresented Christ while claiming to know Him does not negate the truth that there is a true hope in the Christian faith.

        In addition, Christians are not bound to dogmatic rules and regulations, but through the power of the Holy Spirit are able to overcome desires and activities that God has called sinful. Christianity has more to offer than the negative spin placed upon it in the media and by those who failed to be positive demonstrators of the faith. Trust Christ today and know that in Him is truth, freedom, and the promise of eternal life.
