
Food 4 the Soul: A Reasonable Treat

I am so grateful for such a great salvation offered to us by God through Christ. What makes it even more wonderful is that after coming to know Christ, we are still given the opportunity to confess our sins and be cleansed from all unrighteous (1 John 1:9) as we strive toward Christian maturity.  Our post today is based upon a red velvet cake covered in cream cheese frosting, which I entitled "A Reasonable Treat." Just as the red colored cake is covered in the white frosting, it reminded me of two things: how the blood of Christ cleanses us making us white as snow, and how the righteousness of Christ covers our sins. I also thought of the prophet's prophetic cry to Israel, Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)           Israel deliberately sinned and rebelled against God. In spite of this, God still pleaded with Israel to co

Food 4 the Soul: Island Delight

Food 4 the Soul: Sling Shot Surprise

Food 4 the Soul: Potiphar's Portion

Food 4 the Soul: Orange Blossom

Food 4 the Soul: Delightful Burden

Food 4 the Soul: Beggar's Blessing

Food 4 the Soul: Elijah's Escape

Food 4 the Soul: Job's Giblets

Food 4 the Soul: A Light Thing

Food 4 the Soul: Hannah's Hens